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Elaine Lorenz "Depleted"


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Elaine Lorenz

Depleted (2018)


51"h x 13"w x 13"d

Steel base .25"h x 14"w x 14"d

This artwork is available for purchase from the exhibition Meditations curated by Susan Nathenson.

Sales tax is included in the price of the artwork.

The work of Elaine Lorenz has always been connected to the earth and the natural beauty that has been given us. Much of her art practice revolves around referencing the natural world-various types of vegetation, rock formations or animals-in an abstract way. The artist sees inspiration in everything from the grandeur of all-encompassing landscapes visited in her travels, to the small green sprout appearing from the winter's rest or a mushroom popping up through asphalt in her neighborhood. The uplifting forces, the perseverance and the endangerment of the natural world are all contemplated in the artist's sculptures.