Terms and Conditions

Do you agree to allow Mercy Housing to use your personal data?

I consent to allowing Mercy Housing to capture and use my personal data. I understand and have read the Terms of Service and understand that I may revoke this consent at any time.


If you make a donation, we may list your name in communications unless otherwise requested. In particular, if you make a donation in honor/memory of an individual or organization, and you provide us with the required contact information, we will share your name and address with that honoree (or honoree contact) so that they may thank you, unless you request us not to. We never share individual donor gift information unless it is specifically requested by the donor. To do so, make a note with your gift or contact us at [email protected] or (303) 830-3300. We may share a total amount of tribute donations to the honoree or honoree contact if requested by that individual/organization AND the number of tribute gifts exceeds 10 gifts.

Donor approves the payments of any charitable donations and/or purchases to Mercy Housing in the amount set forth therein. For more information about these terms and conditions contact [email protected]