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$2,750 current bid
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Buyer's Choice IVF or Conventional

6 Guaranteed Embryos

Sendero's Duchess 957E3 x CEO 175C5, guarantee of 6 embryos and 2 pregnancies. Sendero Red Brangus has been thoughtfully been investing in the highest quality genetics and individuals from programs across the breed. Now, the results of these selections are becoming evident with exciting results. Sendero's Duchess 936E is one such outcome. We partnered with Gerardo Alanis in Duchess 936E for the maternal outcross opportunities she offers to sire battery. In the show ring, Duchess was a consistent contender, being named Reserve Grand Champion at the 2019 San Antonio Livestock Show. But it is her genetic package that has us excited for her future.
CEO 175C5 engraved his name in the Brangus history annals as the Grand Champion Red Brangus Bull of the 2018 World Brangus Congress. Now he is establishing himself as one of the elite sires of the next generations of world class Red Brangus. His progeny are already continuing his winning ways, and gaining the appreciation of cattlemen and breeders from across the globe. His influence is on two continents and in six countries. As with his sire and dam, his name adds instant value to a pedigree. He offers a very balanced genomic profile among Active Red Brangus Sires, with rankings in the Top 10% for WW and REA, and Top 15% for YW.
Offering a guarantee of six (6) conventional or IVF produced embryos with a guarantee of two pregnancies. If more are produced, the buyer receives the full flush. All flush, transfer and export costs are the responsibility of the buyer. The owners will provide transportation to a Texas based embryo transfer facility that is mutually agreed upon. The transfers must be performed and documented by a certified embryo technician to receive the guarantee.

Seller: Sendero Red Brangus and TRIO Cattle & Genetics - (214) 683-1600


1. DUCHESS 957E3