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Help support Loomis Basin Charter School by contributing to our fundraising efforts!

Due to the cancellation of our live/silent auction fundraiser, we need the help of our school community now more than ever. The annual auction is our biggest fundraiser of the year. All money raised goes directly into funding and maintaining the Spanish, PE, Art, Science and Technology programs for our students.

Please consider making a donation that will positively impact your child's education and help LBCS start next year off with sufficient funds to continue to provide these execptional educational experience at each grade level.

No act of generosity is too small to make a difference.


Although we cannot meet in person this year to celebrate the Roaring 20's in support of our AMAZING school, we can still make this the "Event of the Century" while social distancing in the comfort of our homes! LBCS continues to THRIVE because of all the wonderfully dedicated teachers and support staff, a strong IB curriculum base and access to state of the art technology. Our yearly auction helps to provide the much needed funding to make this all possible. While this year's online auction offerings are smaller in quantity, that doesn't mean it still can't make a BIG impact! Thank you to those who have generously donated items, time and talent to our fundraising efforts.  You are much appreciated! 

Let's band together as a school community to place some bids, make some donations and kick it up for the kids! We are all looking forward to returning back to school in the fall but we NEED YOUR SUPPORT to make next school year the "Bee's Knees"! 

Hosted By

Loomis Basin Charter School
Questions? Please contact Auction Chair, Jennie Kincade!

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