Pair 237
$5,000Fullblood Wagyu FB12856
ESF Z0278-16-237
Calved: 11-12-2011
Free of all known defects
Sire: Westholme Hirashigetayasu Z278 (FB8376)
Dam: ESF Michifuku (FB6120)
Sells with a bull calf by Yama (FB21245) born 5/10/2019
PE 6/20-9/04 to GFF E20 (FB36396) - Safe-in-calf
The "237" donor is a great Wagyu cow and a foundation of many of the successes here. We have sold numerous progeny from this cow and her embryos have been well received also. The 2018 Run For the Roses Sale featured four progeny from this donor that averaged $3,900 and her embryos sold for $800 each plus another son sold earlier for $6,500 to Boysel Genetics, OH. This cow is easy to pick out due to her big rib shape, easy fleshing ability, and excellent confirmation. She is nursing a strong bull calf, daughters sell as Lot 107 and 111, sons are lots 200 and 201, and embryos sell here also. You will enjoy ownership of this proven leader whose sire sequence is FUKUTSURU 068, MICHIFUKU then WESTHOLME Z278.
1. Lot 100 and calf
2. Daughter of Lot 100
3. Daughter of Lot 100
4. Son of Lot 100

Pair G7
$5,000Fullblood Wagyu FB22965
GFF Sanjirou G7
Calved: 8-08-2013
Horned / Tenderness 3/ SCD AA
Free of all known defects
Sire: World K's Sanjirou (FB2501)
Dam: ESF Z278-31-199 (FB11839)
Sells with a bull calf by Yama (FB21245) born 5/15/2019
PE 6/20-9/04 to GFF F137 ET (FB37705) - Safe-in-calf
A very powerful pair! The G7 cow has been another top performer for us and she is one of our most impressive females in the pasture. Her calves are fast growing and well made, and the G7 cow is a very deep ribbed, easy handling, ideally-sized cow. Her sire, Sanjirou, is one of the most well-respected sires of quality in the breed. Daughters sell as Lot 113, 114, 115 and 116.
1. Lot 101 and calf

Pair E23
$6,500Fullblood Wagyu FB36397
Calved: 11-24-2017
Horned / Tenderness 5/ SCD AA
Free of all known defects
Sire: World K's Takazakura (FB2892)
Dam: ESF Z278-16-216 (FB12106)
Sells with a bull calf by GFF E20 (FB36396) born 5/15/2019
PE 6/20-9/04 to GFF F137 ET (FB37705) - Safe-in-calf
What a young pair! Be sure to note that this is a first-calf female and look at the strong calf she is raising in her first try! Her dam sells as Lot 103 and is a lovely female and strong producer also. Also look for embryos from this cow family.
1. Lot 102
2. Lot 102 Calf

Cow 216
$4,000Fullblood Wagyu FB12106
ESF Z278-16-216
Calved: 6-01-2011
Free of all known defects
Sire: Westholme Hirashigetayasu Z278 (FB8376)
Dam: ESF Michifuku P 614 016 (FB6120)
PE 6/20-9/04 to GFF D30 (FB27906) - Safe-in-calf
This is the dam of the Lot 102 cow and another of the top producers that have been the core of our program. If you like Wagyu cows then you will love this one. She is huge bodied and very correct with excellent udder shape and more total capacity.
1. Lot 103

Cow 202
$3,750Fullblood Wagyu FB11841
ESF Z278-31-202
Calved: 3-27-2011
Free of all known defects
Sire: Westholme Hirashigetayasu Z278 (FB8376)
Dam: ESF Michifuku R 042 031 (FB6126)
PE 6/20-9/04 to GFF E20 (FB36396) - Safe-in-calf
Another great female and one of the best-looking cows on the place, this foundation cow blends high-marbling, strong fertility genetics into a lovely package. She is might be the most massive and heaviest of the cows.
1. Lot 104

Cow 213
$3,750Fullblood Wagyu FB11991
ESF Z278-16-213
Calved: 4-23-2011
Free of all known defects
Sire: Westholme Hirashigetayasu Z278 (FB8376)
Dam: ESF Michifuku P 614 016 (FB6120)
PE 6/20-9/04 to GFF E20 (FB36396) - Safe-in-calf
If Lot 104 is not the heaviest and most impressive of the cows on the place then this powerhouse is! She carries a nearly identical pedigree to Lot 104 and is built much the same; together they make quite a pair of massive, efficient, fertile females. The dam of this cow was a donor for us and has embryos selling here.
1. Lot 105
2. Lot 105

Cow 291
$4,750Fullblood Wagyu FB14303
ESF 144-145-291
Calved: 8-15-2012
Horned / Tenderness 7/ SCD VV
Free of all known defects
Sire: ESF Tayasu Z0278 625-144 (FB10718)
Dam: ESF Sanj 637-145 (FB11272)
PE 6/20-9/04 to GFF F137 ET (FB37705) - Safe-in-calf
A total powerhouse of quality! Note the unique pedigree and awesome design of this prime-aged cow that will calve to the lot 200 bull, a son of the Lot 100 cow. This cow has a largely outcross pedigree and such a good design that she is easy to make good profits with; her calves are popular! Tenderness score of 7!
1. Lot 106

Bred Heifer E26
$4,250Fullblood Wagyu FB26400
BZ Ivan 034D
Calved: 12-13-2016
Horned / Tenderness 3/ SCD VA
Free of all known defects
Sire: World K's Michifuku (FB1615)
Dam: KYW Ms Haruki 201 (FB17671)
PE 6/20-9/04 to GFF F137 ET (FB37705) - Safe-in-calf
Really impressive Michifuku daughter from a notable dam, this heifer is docile and high performing.
1. Lot 108

Bred Heifer E28
$4,500Fullblood Wagyu FB36401
Calved: 12-22-2017
Horned / Tenderness 3/ SCD AA
Free of all known defects
Sire: World's K's Kitaguni Jr (FB2422)
Dam: ESF Z278-31-199 (FB11839)
PE 6/20-9/04 to GFF F137 ET (FB37705) - Safe-in-calf
This bred heifer is rich in productive genetics from Kitaguni, Jr and a dam by Hirashigetayasu. Her dam was a very productive female for us.

Bred Heifer E25
$4,750Fullblood Wagyu FB36403
Calved: 12-12-2017
Horned / Tenderness 4/ SCD AA
Free of all known defects
Sire: CHR Yasufuku 246T (FB7370)
Dam: GFF Shigeshigetani G1432 (FB22967)
PE 6/20-9/04 to GFF F137 ET (FB37705) - Safe-in-calf
An especially good bred heifer that will calve this spring to the Lot 200 bull. This heifer is going to be a valuable cow and she is defect-free with a higher tenderness score.

Bred Heifer F537
$6,000Fullblood Wagyu FB37709
GFF F537
Calved: 5-05-2018
Horned / Tenderness 5/ SCD AA
Free of all known defects
Sire: LMR RMW Itomoritaka (FB14234)
Dam: ESF Z0278-16-237 (FB12856)
PE 6/20-9/04 to GFF E20 (FB36396) - Safe-in-calf
Out of the Lot 100 donor and a maternal sister to Lots 107, 112 and the Lot 200 bull, this is a docile heifer has a Tenderness score of 5. Watch her move, she is really good!

Bred Heifer F637
$5,000Fullblood Wagyu FB37710
Calved: 5-01-2018
Horned / Tenderness 5/ SCD AA
Free of all known defects
Sire: LMR RMW Itomoritaka (FB14234)
Dam: ESF Z0278-16-237 (FB12856)
PE 6/20-9/04 to GFF E20 (FB36396) - Safe-in-calf
Out of the Lot 100 donor and a maternal sister to Lots 107 and the Lot 200 bull, this is a full sister to Lot 111 and another excellent product of this flush that yielded defect-free pedigrees and tenderness score of 5. All of our best stuff sells here!

Bred Heifer F77
$4,000Fullblood Wagyu FB37711
Calved: 6-06-2018
Horned / Tenderness 3/ SCD VA
Free of all known defects
Sire: ESF Beijiro 121-241 (FB14426)
Dam: GFF Sanjirou G7 (FB22965)
PE 6/20-9/04 to GFF E20 (FB36396) - Safe-in-calf
This is a younger bred heifer out of the Lot 101 donor. She is bred to a young bull that was lost but we had especially high hopes for. Full sisters sell as Lot 114-116 and a great, young brother is Lot 202.

Bred Heifer F168
$4,500Fullblood Wagyu pending
GFF F168
Calved: 06-24-2018
Sire: ESF Beijiro 121-241 (FB14426)
Dam: GFF Sanjirou G7 (FB22965)
PE 6/20-9/04 to GFF F137 ET (FB37705) - Safe-in-calf
Out of the Lot 101 cow and a sister to Lots 113 thru 116. Bred to Lot 200. Look for a great full brother in Lot 202!
1. Dam of Lot 113-116

Open Heifer G016
$3,500Fullblood Wagyu pending
GFF G016
Calved: 02-12-2019
Sire: ESF Beijiro 121-241 (FB14426)
Dam: GFF Sanjirou G7 (FB22965)
Sells open
Full sister to Lots 113-115 out of the Lot 101 donor, this is a show-quality heifer with excellent growth. She is one of the best calves we have had yet!
1. Lot 116

Bull F137
$3,100Fullblood Wagyu FB37705
Calved: 5-02-2018
Horned / Tenderness 3/ SCD AA
Free of all known defects
Sire: LMR RMW Itomoritaka (FB14234)
Dam: ESF Z0278-16-237 (FB12856)
Out of the Lot 100 cow and a brother to several top calves, this is the bull we showed in Louisville last year. He was popular then and we turned down good offers to use him ourselves. He still looks great and he did an excellent job covering his females this summer. His maternal brother is Lot 201.
1. Lot 200
2. Dam of Lot 200

Bull D30
$4,250Fullblood Wagyu FB27906
Calved: 12-02-2016
Sire: World K's Takazakura (FB2892)
Dam: ESF Z0278-16-237 (FB12856)
Out of the Lot 100 foundation cow, this is a maternal brother to Lot 200, 107, and 111. This bull has always been good and he will do someone a great job. He bred a lot of commercial cows for us over the summer and kept his condition well. Several calves by him sell in Lots 400 and higher.
1. Lot 201
2. Dam of Lot 201

Bull G213
$2,200Fullblood Wagyu pending
GFF G213
Calved: 02-24-2019
Sire: ESF Beijiro 121-241 (FB14426)
Dam: GFF Sanjirou G7 (FB22965)
Out of the Lot 101 cow and a full brother to Lots 113-116, this is one of the most impressive bull calves we have raised! Please come to see him to see his unique shape and balance. He is bred to perform but he looks great doing it!
1. Lot 202

Bull Meraki
$1,250Halfblood Wagyu
GFF Meraki
Calved: 2017
Sire: ESF Beijiro 121-241 (FB14426)
Dam: Commercial
A very unique beast! You will not find many percentage-Wagyu bulls that look like Meraki for sure. He is quite a bull and breeds well. His calves are small and he is easy to handle.
1. Lot 203

F237 Embryos
$500Embryos of GFF F237 ET
Donor Sire: LMR RMW Itomoritaka (FB14234)
Donor Dam: ESF Z0278-16-237 (FB12856)
Selling 4 conventional embryos by LMR Nobu 1208Y (FB13853)
Final purchase price is your winning bid x 4
Embryos stored at Legends Lane - Alexandria, OH
Embryos from the Lot 100 donor. 4 in this lot, more in Lot 301.
1. Lot 300 Donor Dam

F237 Embryos
$500Embryos of GFF F237 ET
Donor Sire: LMR RMW Itomoritaka (FB14234)
Donor Dam: ESF Z0278-16-237 (FB12856)
Selling 3 conventional embryos by LMR Nobu 1208Y (FB13853)
Final purchase price is your winning bid x 3
Embryos stored at Legends Lane - Alexandria, OH
Embryos from the Lot 100 donor. 4 in this lot, more in Lot 301.
1. Lot 301 Donor Dam

F437 Embryos
$450Embryos of GFF F437 ET
Donor: FB37708
Donor Sire: LMR RMW Itomoritaka (FB14234)
Donor Dam: ESF Z0278-16-237 (FB12856)
Selling 5 conventional embryos by LMR Nobu 1208Y (FB13853)
Final purchase price is your winning bid x 5
Embryos stored at Legends Lane - Alexandria, OH
These are defect-free embryos that should yield excellent tenderness and marbling genetics from Nobu and a top daughter of our Lot 100 cow.
1. Lot 100 Granddam of Embryos

016 Embryos
$450Embryos of ESF Michifuku P 614 016
Donor: FB6120
Donor Sire: World K's Michifuku (FB1615)
Donor Dam: BR Ms Fukutsuru 0614 (FB5074)
Selling 5 conventional embryos by Yama (FB21245)
Final purchase price is your winning bid x 5
Embryos stored at Legends Lane - Alexandria, OH
A very productive cow family blended with Yama, see Lot 103 for an example of this genetic line. Five embryos in this lot, more in lot 304.

016 Embryos
$400Embryos of ESF Michifuku P 614 016
Donor: FB6120
Donor Sire: World K's Michifuku (FB1615)
Donor Dam: BR Ms Fukutsuru 0614 (FB5074)
Selling 5 conventional embryos by Yama (FB21245)
Final purchase price is your winning bid x 5
Embryos stored at Legends Lane - Alexandria, OH
A very productive cow family blended with Yama, see Lot 103 for an example of this genetic line. Five embryos in this lot, more in lot 303.