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A $25 donation can provide a week of transportation for two Family Support Program groups, thereby making it possible for clients who would otherwise be unable to do so to attend treatment and education groups.
A $50 donation can train one CASA volunteer. CASA volunteers attend 35 hours of intensive training and court observation to advocate for children in the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court System.
A $100 donation can educate adults using the revolutionary Stewards of Children training in the hope that they can help prevent child sexual abuse in our community and keep children safe.
A $250 donation can furnish occupational therapy services for 4 children in our Circle Preschool program. The Circle Preschool serves children whose significant social and emotional difficulties stemming from trauma make it difficult to thrive in a traditional pre-school.
A $1,000.00 donation can deliver 15 hours of intensive individual counseling for child victims of severe physical or sexual abuse. Donors at the $1,000 level become part of SCAN's Protector's Circle.
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