Auction Items

Private Jet Trip
$5,000Private Jet Trip To National Beef
Once in a lifetime opportunity here, folks! Do you have a passion for the beef industry? Do you love to learn? Then this package is for you! You and three guests will come to Kansas City - the heart of the beef industry - and enjoy a one-night stay at the Hilton Kansas City. While you're here, dinner and drinks are on us at the famous Hereford House Steakhouse serving Certified Hereford Beef. Jet set the next morning on National Beef's private jet to the National Beef Packing plant in Dodge City, Kan., and get an in-depth look behind the scenes at what it takes to put Certified Hereford Beef on your plate. You'll be treated like a VIP in this exclusive tour that will only be offered once! Don't miss your opportunity to win the experience of a lifetime. Package includes one night stay at the Hilton Kansas City, a $500 Hereford House gift card, roundtrip travel on National Beef's private jet to Dodge City and personalized tour of the packing facility.
Location Kansas City
Contact: Amari [email protected]
Donated By: National Beef and CHB

SmartFeed Bunk
$6,000SmartFeed Bunk
The standard SmartFeed system is a cloud connected, automated cattle feeder typically used to measure intake and efficiency for any size and age of cattle except for young calves. The system is modular, portable, and easy to set up and use. SmartFeed can tell you the amount of feed consumed per animal per day, total time each animal spent at the feeder, time of day of each visit, and total number of visits per day. With the optional scale attachment, you can get a front-end weight of the animal with each visit to the feeder. In normal conditions, up to seven animals per SmartFeed unit can be measured, however this varies depending on the animals, the quantity of feed, and the objectives.
Click Here For More Information
Location SmartFeed - Rapid City, SD
Contact: Curt Westburg-206-786-9411
Donated By: SmartFeed - Curt Westberg, Rapid City, SD, [email protected]

$550WHITEHAWK WARRIOR 845C x TH 54W 719T BETH 13Y Embryos
3 IVF Embryos
AHA 43566921
TH 54W 719T BETH 13Y
AHA 43171184
Purchase price is your bid x 3
This mating is sure to make a splash. The Whitehawk Warrior bull is certainly making a name for himself and charts a 99.5 BW ratio on 88 progeny with a 100.8 WW ratio on 74 progeny. Add this with the potency of 13y's production history and you're sure to get a herd bull prospect or a potential donor from this mating. If you're not sold yet, just study the 7 SOD's in 13y's pedigree.
Location TransOva
Contact: Ryan Topp -701-652-5701
Donated By: Topp Herefords
1. Warrior
2. DAM of 13Y (pic-54W)
3. 2019 sale feature son of 13 Y TH 13Y 358C Pioneer 501F (pic 501F)
4. Daughter of 13Y- TH 13Y 9050 BETH 61A

4 IVF Embryos
AHA 43591846
AHA 43187517
Purchase price is your bid x 4
Fast Forward to Higher Quality. From the same dam as curve bending, Genex roster member, EFBeef BR Validated B413, who excelled in the AHA National Reference Sire Program. Designed to be Top of breed calving ease, both maternal and direct, top end growth, superior carcass value and smaller mature cow size. Pedigree full of documented female makers and Sires of Distinction like Proficient, Legend, Crown Beef, Revolution, N106 and Foremost. Includes multi-generations of Dams of Distinction females. Average lifespan of cows backing this pedigree at EFBeef is 12.2 years. 137 Years of purebred Hereford production, 49 years of stockmanship with the Thyra cow family across 7 generations of females. Dam naturally produced the high selling bull in 3 of the last 4 EFBeef production sales. Embryos sired by next generation EFBeef & Innsfail Farm herd sire, EFBeef X51 Resolute C615. His first steer harvested produced the all time high individual Marbling steer (High Prime score of 927) in the EFBeef program. Paternal grand dam is a flush mate to Select Sires roster member, EFBeef TFL U208 Tested X651 ET, the across the board total performance sire. Homozygous Polled mating by pedigree.
Location Ellis Farms
Contact: Joe Ellis -765-366-5390
Donated By: Ellis Farms
1. EFBeef BR Validated B413

WHIT 33B x VACA 135U
$750NJW 160Z 10W WHIT 33B X NJW 4037 34S DURANGO VACA 135U Embryos
3 Conventional Embryos
NJW 160Z 10W WHIT 33B
AHA 43483059
AHA 42892084
Purchase price is your bid x 3
I'm not sure how many more foundation females and legacy sires you could stack in this mating. 135U is a no miss front pasture kind that clicks with any bull and 27A, her son is proof when a top end sire gets lined up with her the sky is the limit! The fact that 33B is the sire this time only elevates the expectation. 33B is one of those sires that is a true breeding bull and his foot quality is exceptional.
Location Origen
Contact: Jan Ward - 307-751-9470
Donated By: NJW Herefords
1. 33B
2. 135U

Hondo 6049 ET x 12A
$400PCC 457Y Hondo 6049 ET X NJW 25W 8Y SPIRITQUEEN 12A Embryos
2 Conventional Embryos
PCC 457Y Hondo 6049 ET
AHA 43720829
AHA 43385130
Purchase price is your bid x 2
Keep every female out of this mating and if you're lucky enough to get a bull your investment you made buying this package will more than pay for itself in his first calf crop. 12A is a young donor in NJW program and Hondo will compliment her with his added power.
Location Origen
Contact: Jan Ward - 307-751-9470
Donated By: NJW Herefords
1. Hondo
2. 12A

Deberard 7454 x 4003
$750H Deberard 7454 X C&M KTP MDP New Mexico Lady 4003 Embryos
3 IVF Embryos
H Deberard 7454
AHA 43799239
C&M KTP MDP New Mexico Lady 4003
AHA 43506277
Purchase price is your bid x 3
Big-time showring presence in this mating not too mention front-end CHB and strength.
Location TransOva -Texas
Contact: Kyle Perez 575-403-7971
Donated By: Perez Cattle Company
1. Grand Champion Hoffman
2. 4003

Montgomery 7437 X 6189
$800H Montgomery 7437 X H AH KELLY 6189 Embryos
3 IVF Sexed Heifer Embryos
H Montgomery 7437
AHA 43799223
AHA 43697691
Purchase price is your bid x 3
The Kelly cow family... they certainly don't need an introduction in the Hereford cow world but this female is special. The most unique calf we have had an opportunity to work with. She won two national titles as a calf and one of those she was 9 months old. Her depth of body and cool lines always grabbed someones attention any time she hit the ring. A winning record is always a great thing for the donor pen but how about an opportunity to own something that will follow her incredible production. This cow is insane in the breeding barn. Her production of grade ones flushing or IVF is remarkable and the fresh and frozen we put in we were over 80%. One can look pretty but that doesn't cash a check. This female will make you money in the pasture. Now add this incredible reproduction gene to Montgomery whose semen was some of the best transova has seen in years and he was 14 months old . I almost feel guilty selling you a female because this mating for a bull would be incredible!
Contact: Amy Cowan 816-218-2256
Donated By: JB Show Cattle
1. Mont
2. Kelly

$1,150DKF RO Cash Flow 0245 X STAR KKH SSF OLIVIA 14U ETEmbryos
3 IVF Sexed Heifer Embryos
DKF RO Cash Flow 0245
AHA 43135190
AHA 42872212
Purchase price is your bid x 3
An opportunity of a lifetime here to get in on one of the maternal legends of the Hereford breed. She is proven in the showring and pasture and Olivia progeny are widely popular across the country. Cash Flow is big middled, stout in his design and has an abundance of eye appeal. His son, ECR Who Maker, was the 2014 National Western Stock Show Grand Champion Polled Bull and commanded $38,000 from Bushy Park, Tucker, and Sullivan Farms in the Mile High Sale. Cash Flow also sired the Reserve Grand Champion Pen of Three Spring Bull Calves at the 2013 National Western Stock Show. He has a low birth weight with explosive growth. Cash Flow is a must-use sire to inject low birth, growth, and tremendous eye appeal.
Contact: Amy Cowan 816-218-2256
Donated By: JB Show Cattle
1. Cash
2. Herman Olivia

$1,300ECR Who Maker 210 ET X LCC TWO TIMIN 438 Embryos
3 IVF Sexed Heifer Embryos
ECR Who Maker 210 ET
AHA 43314663
AHA 42529139
Purchase price is your bid x 3
Two breed greats and national champions in the this embryo package from JB Show Cattle, Refugio, Texas. This LCC Two Timin 438 ET (Harley) x Whomaker mating is going to be exciting. "Harley" was bought out of the Sullivan Farms Hereford dispersal and is one of the most prolific cows in the Hereford breed. LCC Two Timin 438 (Harley) has done it all. Winning the National Western Stock Show, raising multiple sale toppers, producing numerous champions and popular herd sires. When mated the ECR Who Maker 210 ET the sky is definitely the limit where these offspring could take you. The Harley x Whomaker offspring have been some of the most sought out genetics in recent years.
Contact: Amy Cowan 816-218-2256
Donated By: JB Show Cattle
1. Who Maker
2. Two Timin

$450R Landmark 4386 X KCF MISS REVOLUTION W429 ET
2 IVF Embryos
R Landmark 4386
AHA 43711605
AHA 43052824
Purchase price is your bid x 2
What's better than one shot of 4R??? How about 2 shots of him topped off with a round of 936! Cow power meets up with a young promising Herd Bull with breed leading traits across the board. Take advantage of this mating and have some of the first Landmark calves born!!
Location ReproLogix, Fort Scott, KS
Contact: Joe Waggoner -601-572-4111
Donated By: Waggoner Cattle Company
1. Landmark

Advance 7156E X 450B
$850HH Advance 7156E 1ET X CL 1 Dominette 450B Embryos
3 IVF Embryos
HH Advance 7156E 1ET
AHA 43839853
CL 1 Dominette 450B
AHA 43465862
Purchase price is your bid x 3
This mating pairs a powerful 215Z daughter with the top selling bull in Holden Hereford's 2018 sale. 7156E currently ranks in the top 10% of the breed in 10 traits. And 450B ranks in the top 20% of the breed in CED, WW, YW, M&G, CEM, and Marbling. She's a moderate cow, with a great udder and nearly 100% pigment, whose progeny have performed well. Son 6187D sold in our 2017 sale to Van NewKirk Herfords for $67,500 - we have a tremendous set of his sons selling this spring. They're long, thick, and marked up well. Solid dams with good udders fill both sides of this pedigree. Grand dam 1178Y ranks in the top 5% of the breed for CED and Marbling. We retained an interest in her son 776E (sold to L Bar W Cattle Co. for $85,000) and used him extensively (AI) this spring.
Location Sleeping Giant Genetics, MT
Contact: Mark Cooper - 406-539-6885
Donated By: Cooper Herefords
1. 7156

Kunde Family Winery
$5751 Case (12 Bottles) Kunde Family Winery Destination Series Wine
Check Out The Winery Here
Wine enthusiasts take note. Jim and Marcia Mickelson, Sonoma Mountain Herefords are offering 1 Case of Kunde Family Wine from the popular destination series of wines grown and made in the beautiful Sonoma Valley. Destination Series Wines are vinted soley for visitors to the Kunde Family Winery Tasting Room and Wine Club Members. Destination Series includes fine wines such as 2014 Barbera, 1904 Dessert Cuvee, 2015 Red Dirt Red, 2015 Syrah, 2016 Chardonnay - Wildwood Vineyard, 2016 Chardonnay - C.S. Ridge Vineyard, 2015 Chardonnay - Wildwood Vineyard, 2015 Dunfillan Cuvee, 2014 Meritage 202, 2014 Malbec, 2014 Heritage Block Zinfandel. Buyer will be purchasing 1 case and 12 bottles of Destination Series Wine. The Kunde Family winemaking mission is to craft elegant, estate-grown, sustainably farmed wines for you to enjoy.
Location Kunde Family Winery, Sonoma CA
Contact: Jim [email protected]
Donated By: Kunde Family Winery, Jim & Marcia Mickelson

Kunde Family Winery
$5751 Case (12 Bottles) Kunde Family Winery Destination Series Wine
Check Out The Winery Here
Wine enthusiasts take note. Jim and Marcia Mickelson, Sonoma Mountain Herefords are offering 1 Case of Kunde Family Wine from the popular destination series of wines grown and made in the beautiful Sonoma Valley. Destination Series Wines are vinted soley for visitors to the Kunde Family Winery Tasting Room and Wine Club Members. Destination Series includes fine wines such as 2014 Barbera, 1904 Dessert Cuvee, 2015 Red Dirt Red, 2015 Syrah, 2016 Chardonnay - Wildwood Vineyard, 2016 Chardonnay - C.S. Ridge Vineyard, 2015 Chardonnay - Wildwood Vineyard, 2015 Dunfillan Cuvee, 2014 Meritage 202, 2014 Malbec, 2014 Heritage Block Zinfandel. Buyer will be purchasing 1 case and 12 bottles of Destination Series Wine. The Kunde Family winemaking mission is to craft elegant, estate-grown, sustainably farmed wines for you to enjoy.
Location Kunde Family Winery, Sonoma CA
Contact: Jim [email protected]
Donated By: Kunde Family Winery, Jim & Marcia Mickelson

SmartVet VetGun
$175SmartVet VetGun
Learn More Here
VetGun is the proven delivery platform for effective horn fly control when and where you need it - with minimal labor, handling or stress. Simple to operate, accurate and reliable, VetGun works from a distance of 15 to 30 feet to safely deliver a precise, consistent dose of a topical insecticide.
Location AgriLabs- St. Joseph, MO
Contact: AJ Ebert -816-500-7487
Donated By: AgriLabs- AJ Ebert, St. Joseph, Mo, [email protected]

H Cuda 7934 ET
$200H Cuda 7934 ET
AHA 43857527
5 Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
A standout for sure. He rises to the top on about every search you can do. Top 10% for 10 traits and all 3 Indexes. Legendary female power on the bottom side and this won't be the last time you hear from the 4006 cow. This will be a bull to find in Denver!! This will be the only semen to sell. H CUDA 7934 will sell in the Annual Bull Sale, February 15th 2019. Here's your chance to get in on a rare opportunity!!!
Location Hoffman Herefords
Contact: Jason Hoffman - 530-604-5096
Donated By: Hoffman Herefords
1. Hoffman Cuda
2. 4006 - DAM
3. Cuda

H Cuda 7934 ET
$200H Cuda 7934 ET
AHA 43857527
5 Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
A standout for sure. He rises to the top on about every search you can do. Top 10% for 10 traits and all 3 Indexes. Legendary female power on the bottom side and this won't be the last time you hear from the 4006 cow. This will be a bull to find in Denver!! This will be the only semen to sell. H CUDA 7934 will sell in the Annual Bull Sale, February 15th 2019. Here's your chance to get in on a rare opportunity!!!
Location Hoffman Herefords
Contact: Jason Hoffman - 530-604-5096
Donated By: Hoffman Herefords
1. Hoffman Cuda
2. 4006 - DAM
3. Cuda

H Cuda 7934 ET
$200H Cuda 7934 ET
AHA 43857527
5 Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
A standout for sure. He rises to the top on about every search you can do. Top 10% for 10 traits and all 3 Indexes. Legendary female power on the bottom side and this won't be the last time you hear from the 4006 cow. This will be a bull to find in Denver!! This will be the only semen to sell. H CUDA 7934 will sell in the Annual Bull Sale, February 15th 2019. Here's your chance to get in on a rare opportunity!!!
Location Hoffman Herefords
Contact: Jason Hoffman - 530-604-5096
Donated By: Hoffman Herefords
1. Hoffman Cuda
2. 4006 - DAM
3. Cuda

H Cuda 7934 ET
$200H Cuda 7934 ET
AHA 43857527
5 Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
A standout for sure. He rises to the top on about every search you can do. Top 10% for 10 traits and all 3 Indexes. Legendary female power on the bottom side and this won't be the last time you hear from the 4006 cow. This will be a bull to find in Denver!! This will be the only semen to sell. H CUDA 7934 will sell in the Annual Bull Sale, February 15th 2019. Here's your chance to get in on a rare opportunity!!!
Location Hoffman Herefords
Contact: Jason Hoffman - 530-604-5096
Donated By: Hoffman Herefords
1. Hoffman Cuda
2. 4006 - DAM
3. Cuda

Sexed BR Hutton 4030
$575Sexed BR Hutton 4030 ET
AHA 43542789
5 Sexed Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
4030 is quickly becoming one of the best sires ever used at Barber Ranch. His daughters in production are second to none and he is a major udder improver. His semen averaged over $500 per unit on 100 units in our May sale. Semen is not available on the open market and has only been offered one other time.
Location Intergrated Breeders Service
Contact: Brett Barber -806-681-2457
Donated By: Barber Ranch
1. Hutton

Sexed MANDATE 66589
$110Sexed /S MANDATE 66589 ET
AHA 43834732
5 Sexed Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Mandate is the sale topping bull from the 2018 Shaw Program. An owned son of Leader that writes an exceptional profile. This dark red, goggled eyed bull was a favorite of many this winter and is backed by the powerful Peerless 71 cow.
Location Navasota TX
Contact: Aaron Arnett - 614-947-9931
Donated By: ST Genetics
1. Mandate

Sexed MANDATE 66589
$110Sexed /S MANDATE 66589 ET
AHA 43834732
5 Sexed Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Mandate is the sale topping bull from the 2018 Shaw Program. An owned son of Leader that writes an exceptional profile. This dark red, goggled eyed bull was a favorite of many this winter and is backed by the powerful Peerless 71 cow.
Location Navasota TX
Contact: Aaron Arnett - 614-947-9931
Donated By: ST Genetics
1. Mandate

Sexed Advance 628
$120Sexed H FHF Advance 628 ET
AHA 43720817
5 Sexed Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Powerfully built and red to the ground, Advance 628 was a member of Hoffman's 2017 NWSS Champion Carload and went on to be the top selling bull in their 2017 sale. He offers one of the elite pedigrees available in the Hereford breed.
Location Navasota TX
Contact: Aaron Arnett - 614-947-9931
Donated By: ST Genetics
1. 628
2. Daughter of 628

Sexed Advance 628
$120Sexed H FHF Advance 628 ET
AHA 43720817
5 Sexed Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Powerfully built and red to the ground, Advance 628 was a member of Hoffman's 2017 NWSS Champion Carload and went on to be the top selling bull in their 2017 sale. He offers one of the elite pedigrees available in the Hereford breed.
Location Navasota TX
Contact: Aaron Arnett - 614-947-9931
Donated By: ST Genetics
1. 628
2. Daughter of 628

Sexed Mighty 49C
$120Sexed NJW 79Z 22Z Mighty 49C ET
AHA 43589057
5 Sexed Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Impressive would be the best way to describe Mighty 49C calves. His bulls are extremely well balanced, heavily muscled and very correct in their structure. His daughters are huge-ribbed, wide-based, attractive cattle that really maintain well on natural range conditions. He has proven to be a GREAT choice for our Hutton daughters. His progeny has been in high demand by both seedstock and commercial producers.
Location TransOva Texas
Contact: Kyle Perez-575-403-7971
Donated By: Perez Cattle Company and Upstream Ranch
1. 49C

Sexed Mighty 49C
$120Sexed NJW 79Z 22Z Mighty 49C ET
AHA 43589057
5 Sexed Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Impressive would be the best way to describe Mighty 49C calves. His bulls are extremely well balanced, heavily muscled and very correct in their structure. His daughters are huge-ribbed, wide-based, attractive cattle that really maintain well on natural range conditions. He has proven to be a GREAT choice for our Hutton daughters. His progeny has been in high demand by both seedstock and commercial producers.
Location TransOva Texas
Contact: Kyle Perez-575-403-7971
Donated By: Perez Cattle Company and Upstream Ranch
1. 49C

Sexed Hutton 109Z
$110Sexed NJW 73S 980 Hutton 109Z
AHA 43311893
5 Sexed Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
We can't say enough about the true impact this bull has had on our cow herd. His daughters are low maintenance, productive females that are just the right kind of brood cows. His calves are vigorous at birth, offering true calving ease and express explosive growth. The Hutton 109Z bull calves are loaded with muscle and performance and can hold their condition throughout the breeding season in the toughest terrains and conditions.
Location TransOva Texas
Contact: Kyle Perez-575-403-7971
Donated By: Perez Cattle Company

Sexed Hutton 109Z
$110Sexed NJW 73S 980 Hutton 109Z
AHA 43311893
5 Sexed Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
We can't say enough about the true impact this bull has had on our cow herd. His daughters are low maintenance, productive females that are just the right kind of brood cows. His calves are vigorous at birth, offering true calving ease and express explosive growth. The Hutton 109Z bull calves are loaded with muscle and performance and can hold their condition throughout the breeding season in the toughest terrains and conditions.
Location TransOva Texas
Contact: Kyle Perez-575-403-7971
Donated By: Perez Cattle Company

R Landmark 4386
$130R Landmark 4386
AHA 43711605
5 Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Take a close look at this guy's performance pedigree! Landmark jumped through all the hoops in the Rausch Herd and his first calf crop charts an impressive spread for BW and WW. 8 traits in the top 1%.
Location KCF
Contact: Paul Bennett -434-941-8245
Donated By: Knoll Crest Farms
1. Landmark

R Landmark 4386
$120R Landmark 4386
AHA 43711605
5 Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Take a close look at this guy's performance pedigree! Landmark jumped through all the hoops in the Rausch Herd and his first calf crop charts an impressive spread for BW and WW. 8 traits in the top 1%.
Location KCF
Contact: Paul Bennett -434-941-8245
Donated By: Knoll Crest Farms
1. Landmark

6D Nevada 713
$506D Nevada 713
AHA 43862246
5 Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
A neat pedigree ties together here to offer a phenomenal genetic profile. Nevada's BMI and CHB values put him in a league of his own and he is a recent addition to the NRSP this fall. Take advantage of this bull's genetic profile as well as outstanding phenotype.
Location JLG
Contact: Dennis Lee - 775-217-2280
Donated By: 6D Land and Cattle and Waggoner Cattle Company
1. Nevada

6D Nevada 713
$606D Nevada 713
AHA 43862246
5 Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
A neat pedigree ties together here to offer a phenomenal genetic profile. Nevada's BMI and CHB values put him in a league of his own and he is a recent addition to the NRSP this fall. Take advantage of this bull's genetic profile as well as outstanding phenotype.
Location JLG
Contact: Dennis Lee - 775-217-2280
Donated By: 6D Land and Cattle and Waggoner Cattle Company
1. Nevada

Miles 6077
$200C Double Your Miles 6077 ET
AHA 43672888
5 Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
These kind of herd bulls are rare and they don't come along often. We feel that 6077 is a herd changing sire that we will and have used a lot in our program. He is smooth, correct and hard to fault. This bulls underline is as good as any. Extremely tight sheath lots of forerib and rear body depth in a powerful muscular package
Location Hoffman AI Breeders
Contact: Kyle Colyer -208-250-3924
Donated By: Colyer Herefords, Grand Meadows Farm, Beckman Herefords
1. Double Your Miles

Miles 6077
$200C Double Your Miles 6077 ET
AHA 43672888
5 Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
These kind of herd bulls are rare and they don't come along often. We feel that 6077 is a herd changing sire that we will and have used a lot in our program. He is smooth, correct and hard to fault. This bulls underline is as good as any. Extremely tight sheath lots of forerib and rear body depth in a powerful muscular package
Location Hoffman AI Breeders
Contact: Kyle Colyer -208-250-3924
Donated By: Colyer Herefords, Grand Meadows Farm, Beckman Herefords
1. Double Your Miles

Loewen Foundation 34X
$35Loewen Foundation 34X
AHA 43074983
5 Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Here's a chance to lay a piece of Foundation in your herd. The legendary udder fixer is a trait leader for DMI! There wouldn't be a Hereford Research Foundation, if it wasn't for 34 X's breeder, recent American Hereford Association, Hall of Famer John Loewen. John actually donated the revenue on every straw that was sold on Foundation through ABS back to HRF. Just like his breeder, Foundation has left a favorable mark on the breed!
Location REI
Contact: John Loewen- 580-231-0683
Donated By: Loewen Herefords
1. Foundation

Loewen Foundation 34X
$25Loewen Foundation 34X
AHA 43074983
5 Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Here's a chance to lay a piece of Foundation in your herd. The legendary udder fixer is a trait leader for DMI! There wouldn't be a Hereford Research Foundation, if it wasn't for 34 X's breeder, recent American Hereford Association, Hall of Famer John Loewen. John actually donated the revenue on every straw that was sold on Foundation through ABS back to HRF. Just like his breeder, Foundation has left a favorable mark on the breed!
Location REI
Contact: John Loewen- 580-231-0683
Donated By: Loewen Herefords
1. Foundation

Loewen Foundation 34X
$25Loewen Foundation 34X
AHA 43074983
5 Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Here's a chance to lay a piece of Foundation in your herd. The legendary udder fixer is a trait leader for DMI! There wouldn't be a Hereford Research Foundation, if it wasn't for 34 X's breeder, recent American Hereford Association, Hall of Famer John Loewen. John actually donated the revenue on every straw that was sold on Foundation through ABS back to HRF. Just like his breeder, Foundation has left a favorable mark on the breed!
Location REI
Contact: John Loewen- 580-231-0683
Donated By: Loewen Herefords
1. Foundation

Loewen Foundation 34X
$25Loewen Foundation 34X
AHA 43074983
5 Straws
Purchase Price is your bid x 5
Here's a chance to lay a piece of Foundation in your herd. The legendary udder fixer is a trait leader for DMI! There wouldn't be a Hereford Research Foundation, if it wasn't for 34 X's breeder, recent American Hereford Association, Hall of Famer John Loewen. John actually donated the revenue on every straw that was sold on Foundation through ABS back to HRF. Just like his breeder, Foundation has left a favorable mark on the breed!
Location REI
Contact: John Loewen- 580-231-0683
Donated By: Loewen Herefords
1. Foundation