DIY Workshop for Teens and Young Adults

November 07, 2024 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Please join us for our teen and young adult DIY workshop at Board & Brush Creative Studio. This will be a fun opportunity to socialize with other people your age and to paint a wooden craft. The cost is only $10 as AAF is subsidizing the remainder of the $42.50 cost. All supplies will be provided and space is limited so sign up soon. 

About Board & and Brush Creative Studio - Welcome to the Little Rock DIY Wood Sign & Wood Project Workshop!
Are you looking for a night out with friends? Is your inner DIY itching for a fun new project without having to buy all your own supplies and make a mess at your house? Then BOOK A WORKSHOP for the ultimate paint experience at our studio.

Board and Brush Class


Hosted By

Arkansas Autism Foundation

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