Terms and Conditions

Do you agree to allow Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra to use your personal data?

I consent to allowing Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra to capture and use my personal data. I understand and have read the Terms of Service and understand that I may revoke this consent at any time.


Terms & Conditions for sales and transactions: 

By agreeing to these terms and conditions, I hereby acknowledge that all transactions for sales or donations processed by GiveSmart or CommunityBrands, to Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, are nonrefundable. I also acknowledge that charitable deductions from auction items are based on a fair market value of the item, and that the sale of auction items may be assessed a California state sales tax surcharge, dictated by applicable charity rules based on the fair market value of each item. 

Donor approves the payments of any charitable donations and/or purchases to Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra in the amount set forth therein. For more information about these terms and conditions contact info@laco.org