View & Support Teacher Grants
Grant RequestsClick on the Items tab and you will see all of the grant requests you can donate to. You can search be category, location (they are separated by regions in the item numbers) or use the search field to type in a town, school, subject (math, music, reading, et) or teacher's name to find grants that interest you. Thank you for your support of rural Colorado educators!
Please note:
*While we will make every effort to direct all funds to the designated grant request, individual grant requests must receive a minimum of $100 in donations in order to receive those donations. If the request you donate to does not reach the $100 minimum in donations and is not selected for further support from the Nathan Yip Foundation board those funds will be used to fund another grant in the same region of the state,*
Grant Champions
Help Your Favorite Teacher Grant Request Get Funded!
Your individual fundraising page allows you to share the grant request you care about and set a goal to get it funded. The funds you raise will help fully fund that grant. Teachers - Set up your fundraising page to get your grant request funded and easily spread the word to your family, friends and supporters! They can support you with a tax-deductible contribution.
Donate Now
Support teachers through the Nathan Yip Foundation Colorado Rural Teacher's Grants.
No act of generosity is too small to make a difference.
Your donation will go directly teachers in rural Colorado - to help close the educational opportunity gap between rural and urbans schools in the state.