How The Public Theater Uses Information Provided by Visitors
The Public never shares with third parties any email address you provide when you make a donation, purchase a Membership or purchase tickets to any event online, through the mail, in person, or on the telephone except as required by law. Member and Donor names are deleted from The Public mailing list when it is shared with other companies.
The Public Theater will occasionally share constituent mailing addresses with other theater companies for one-time-only usage to promote discounts to other theatrical events. If you do not wish to have your address shared, please contact us at 212-967-7555 or
Do you agree to allow The Public Theater to use your personal data?
I consent to allowing The Public Theater to capture and use my personal data. I understand and have read the Terms of Service and understand that I may revoke this consent at any time.
Donor approves the payments of any charitable donations and/or purchases to The Public Theater in the amount set forth therein. For more information about these terms and conditions contact