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Two KLM Tickets
Use your two ticket to fly to "any" US KLM Gateway to Any European KLM Gateway (via Amsterdam) in Premium Comfort Class.
Taxes paid by KLM.
All tickets must be issued before December 15, 2024, and travel must be completed by September 1, 2025.
Some benefits of KLM Premium Comfort Class include:
SeatingPremium Comfort Class seats are located in a quiet cabin that is separate from Economy and Business Class. LegroomPremium Comfort Class seats offer up to 18 cm more legroom than standard Economy Class seats. ReclinePremium Comfort Class seats recline up to 20 cm. Checked baggagePassengers flying Premium Comfort Class with a Standard or Flex ticket can bring two checked items, each weighing up to 23 kg and measuring up to 158 cm. In-seat powerMost Premium Comfort Class flights offer in-seat power (110V or USB-A or C) for charging devices.
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