47th annual Grand Gala FAQ

What time does the Gala Start?

  • Doors open at 7pm,  show starts at 8pm


How long does the Gala show run?

  • Approximately 90 mins


What is the attire for the Gala?

  • Festive Black Tie is encouraged


Will my party be seated together?

  • Yes, at the show (Copeland Hall) all parties who order tickets together will be seated together if they have purchased the same level tickets


Where do I park?

  • There are several Downtown Parking garages available 
  • On street parking (meters are free).
  • PLATINUM ticket holders: parking at The Hotel DuPont is included with your purchase
  • GOLD ticket holders: parking at the WPA lot (under the Doubletree Hotel) on King Street in included with your purchase


What if I would like to pay for my Gala tickets with a check?


Are there reserved tables/seats at the After Party?

  • No, the event is designed to roam from room to room and enjoy the various offerings


When is the Gala After Party over?

  • 1am


How do guests get from The Grand (Copeland Hall) to The Hotel DuPont?

  • We encourage guests to enjoy a short stroll up Market Street
  • Transportation is not provided between venues