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Comfort Sponsor
- 10 tickets
- Stage Sponsor
- Company logo/name included on invitation, digital communications and printed program
- Prominent recognition during the event
- Recognized on annual donor wall at Taylor House
$9,750 of your gift is tax deductible as prescribed by the law.

Dignity Sponsor
- 8 tickets
- Beer Station Sponsor
- Company logo/name included in digital communications, printed program and at the event
- Prominent recognition during the event
- Recognized on annual donor wall at Taylor House
$4,800 of your gift is tax deductible as prescribed by law.

Compassion Sponsor
- 6 tickets
- Food & Games Sponsor
- Program recognition
- Recognized on annual donor wall at Taylor House
$2,350 of your gift is tax deductible as prescribed by the law.

Hope Sponsor
- 4 tickets
- Program recognition
- Recognized on annual donor wall at Taylor House
$900 of your gift is tax deductible as prescribed by law.
2 Purchaser
Sponsors: Do you intend to use your sponsorship tickets? Ticket Purchasers: Please select "Tickets Only"
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