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More than a Dream


10 left
  • Thirty (30) tickets to the event with reserved seating and admittance for four (4) to VIP cocktail gathering from 6-6:30 PM
  • Two (2) full slide advertisements in digital journal; logo/signage throughout venue; option to distribute materials at event
  • Recognition in program remarks, annual report and on event website with an option to advertise with logo and link
  • Opportunity for up to twenty (20) employees to engage in specially designed volunteer activity
  • Access to Success "Top of Class" Sponsorship with all associated benefits including twenty (20) tickets

Cristo Rey Champion


10 left
  • Twenty (20) tickets to the event with reserved seating and admittance for four (4) to VIP cocktail gathering from 6-6:30 PM
  • One (1) full and one half (1/2) slide advertisement in digital journal; logo/signage throughout venue
  • Recognition in annual report and on event website with an option to advertise with logo and link
  • Opportunity for up to ten (10) employees to engage in specially designed volunteer activity
  • Access to Success "Summa cum Laude" Sponsorship with all associated benefits including ten (10) tickets

Top of the Class


10 left
  • Fifteen (15) tickets to the event with reserved seating and admittance for four (4) to VIP cocktail gathering from 6-6:30 PM
  • One (1) full slide advertisement in digital journal; logo/signage throughout venue
  • Recognition in annual report and on event website with an option to advertise with logo and link
  • Opportunity for up to five (5) employees to engage in specially designed volunteer activity
  • Access to Success "Magna cum Laude" Sponsorship with all associated benefits including (2) tickets

Summa cum Laude


20 left
  • Ten (10) tickets to the event with reserved seating and admittance for two (2) to VIP cocktail gathering from 6-6:30 PM
  • One (1) full slide advertisement in digital journal
  • Recognition in annual report and on event website with an option to advertise with logo and link

Magna cum Laude


19 left
  • Six (6) tickets to the event and admittance for two (2) to VIP cocktail gathering from 6-6:30 PM
  • One half (1/2) slide advertisement in digital journal; recognition in annual report and on event website

Cum Laude


19 left
  • Four (4) tickets to the event and admittance for two (2) to VIP cocktail gathering from 6-6:30 PM
  • One quarter (1/4) slide advertisement in digital journal; recognition in annual report and on event website


Early Bird - VIP Ticket


50 left

Regular Price: $555

Early Bird Special - Receive this 10% discounted price when purchased by 3/20/25

One (1) ticket to the event with VIP cocktail gathering from 6-6:30 PM; recognition in digital journal, newsletter, and annual report

Early Bird - Patron Ticket


192 left

Regular Price: $300

Early Bird Special - Receive this 10% discounted price when purchased by 3/20/25

One (1) ticket to the event

Early Bird- Young Professional


96 left

Regular Price: $200

Early Bird Special – Receive this 10% discounted price when purchased by 3/20/25

One (1) ticket to the event; must be 35 or younger


Early Bird - Event Sponsor Ad


50 left

Regular Price: $1,500

Early Bird Special – Receive this 10% discounted price when purchased by 3/20/25

  • Event Website and Digital Journal
  • Receive a full slide in digital journal with option to advertise on event homepage with logo and link

Early Bird - Full Slide Ad


50 left

Regular Price: $1,000

Early Bird Special – Receive this 10% discounted price when purchased by 3/20/25

  • Full slide ad in Digital Journal

Early Bird - Half Slide Ad


50 left

Regular Price: $750

Early Bird Special – Receive this 10% discounted price when purchased by 3/20/25


    Half slide ad in Digital Journal

Early Bird - Quarter Slide Ad


50 left

Regular Price: $500



Early Bird Special – Receive this 10% discounted price when purchased by 3/20/25

  • Quarter slide ad in Digital Journal


Keep Cristo Rey New York magical and support our students today!

Create a LASTING IMPACT by donating to Cristo Rey New York High School in honor of the senior(s) who are going to your alma mater this fall and the Lions who have gone there or will in the future!

It costs over $22,000 a year to educate each student. After their family's contribution and their work with our corporate partner, there is still a $10,000 gap for each student that this inspiring event helps to close each year.

DONATE below and write in your college affiliation. SHARE THIS PAGE with your network in a contest to see which alumni base can raise the most money.

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