Bid On SketchNF 2024!


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Get ready for SketchNF's second annual pediatric art auction, scheduled for the end of May this year! Whether you've participated before or you're joining us for the first time, we invite all kids with any form of NF to take part in our auction. The format remains unchanged from last year, and we will be sending art packages free of charge to all participating families nationwide! You will be able create up to three drawings, and your artwork will be up for auction in May. The piece that raises the highest amount will be awarded a grand prize from NFNetwork and SketchNF.

Stay tuned for more details coming soon! 

If you have interest in participating in this years auction or have any additional questions, please email: [email protected] or [email protected]. For more information about SketchNF visit:

Instagram: @sketchnf_

One Sketch at a Time

SketchNF is dedicated to raising funds and creating a network for pediatric Neurofibromatosis (NF) patients, one sketch at a time.

Our mission is to EMPOWER children within the pediatric NF community by allowing them to share their voice and stories through art. By auctioning off these art pieces, each child will directly be contributing to the FUNDRAISING towards NF research and support groups. We hope that as each child shares their unique story, it will raise AWARENESS for what NF is and how it affects children and their families. As the number of children who participate grows, so will our COMMUNITY, and we hope to create an online platform from SketchNF that is aimed towards connecting children with the disorder so that no one will ever feel alone in this fight.

As each child's unique story is shared through art, we hope that people can better understand the impact NF has on each of their precious lives.

Learn more at

Our Start

Shilp was 14 when Sahil told him he had tumors in his neck. Diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 1, a cancer predisposition syndrome, at the age of 1, Sahil had been symptom-free until the age of 9. Over the next 7 years, Shilp watched helplessly as Sahil endured nights of splitting migraines, wracking neck pain, and even surgery to remove the tumors in his skull. He did his best to support him but Shilp could never truly understand what he was going through; Sahil needed people that could empathize with his situation. But as they looked online, it was difficult to find an accessible pediatric NF community, something that would make Sahil feel not alone in this fight. They wanted to make a change for other kids like Sahil. This was the birth of SketchNF.


Donate Now

Help our cause by contributing to our fundraising efforts.

No act of generosity is too small to make a difference.

A portion of the proceeds will go to directly to Neurofibromatosis Network, a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to helping the 130,000 people living with NF in this country.

NF Network

Hosted By NF Network

The NF Network

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